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At GMC we pride ourselves on being avant-garde and see ourselves as a company that is proactive rather than reactive.  Over the years the portfolio over services we offer has grown tremendously and we will continue to offer the standard of service our clients have come to expect from us.

GM Corporate and
Fiduciary Services Ltd.
147/1, St. Lucia Street,
Valletta VLT 1185, Malta.
+(356) 2123 5341
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Pension Funds

The Special Funds Act (SFA) currently regulates retirement schemes in Malta. However, in order to further facilitate the provision of cross-border pension funds, the Retirement Pensions Act was recently enacted, although not yet in force, and is set to replace the SFA. The Act is intended to regulate Retirement Schemes, Retirement Funds and Service Providers whilst attracting multinationals, high-net-worth individuals and wealthy expatriate individuals to base their pension provisions in Malta. Retirements schemes that are established in Malta and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) are recognised by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK as Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) or as Qualifying Non-UK Pension Schemes (QNUPS).


Apart from benefitting from a well regulated and secure structure, setting up in Malta also results in substantial tax benefits. For non-residents, there would apply:

• No income tax on pension income – benefits are paid gross
• No income tax on pension cash lump sums
• No capital gains tax on pension fund gains
• No inheritance tax or other death duties


Whilst QROPS investors could be taxed in the country where they are resident, it is important to bear in mind that Malta currently has approximately 60 double taxation treaties with other countries.


Since QROPS are also subject to UK inheritance tax in the event of the holder’s death, the British authorities have introduced Qualifying Non UK Pension Scheme (QNUPS), so money transferred into these schemes will be free from UK inheritance tax.

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